Pharmacy Advocacy Month Joint Event

On Tuesday, October 13, the professional committee partnered with Alpha Zeta Omega and Lambda Kappa Sigma to put on a joint event for Pharmacy Advocacy Month. The event, titled “Relationships: Expanding the Inter-professional Roles in Healthcare,” centered around the importance of communication among healthcare providers in providing optimal patient care. The event started with a brief presentation that focused on how recent advancements in pharmacy have allowed pharmacists to have a larger role in patient care. The main focus was on the pharmacist’s new roles in smoking cessation, immunizations, and the advent of EHR.
In order to demonstrate the value of communication among healthcare professionals, we concluded the event with a breakout activity in which the audience was divided up into three groups and each given a patient case to work through. In each case, the pharmacist was presented with a problem that they would have to consult with another healthcare provider to work through. After discussing amongst themselves, each group presented a skit in which they showed exactly how they would have worked through the problem at hand. Through both the presentation and the interactive portion of this event, students were able to see the expanding role of pharmacists and how much value we will provide to the healthcare team.